Headshots & Portraits

Get professional, personality-filled headshots - to make marketing as unique as you are. people buy from people

“I always look so awkward in photos…”

Show your personality.

You are a beautiful badass, you just don’t know it yet.

We understand being in front of the camera is scary, but we’re here to help!

Time to shine.

Show your customers and clients what makes you a fabulous human with professional headshots & portraits!

  1. We will share your vision and showcase what makes you special.

  2. We will tell your story, inspire the vision and help you to stand out from the crowd with enviromental portraits and personality filled shots.

  3. We will work with you and any fears you may have to help you feel relaxed and confident in front of the camera.

Man with dark styled hair and beard in dark suit, white shirt and red patterned tie and pocket square holds a magnifying glass to his eye and an open book in his other hand. Beyond him is a wooden dresser full of leather bound books.

How it works:

1. Consultancy + Planning

Whether it be a small business or a large corporation, we will plan out the perfect shoot for you to get the best images of your people.

2. The Set-Up + Chat

We’ll come to you, with all the gear. While we set up, we will have a natter to reduce the cringe factor that comes from being vulnerable in front of the camera and help you find your natural confidence.

3. Edit + Delivery

We’ll take these hot shots, narrow down the very best and hand edit them ready for use. We believe in real beauty, so when we edit it’s all about colours, composition and you looking your best!

Check out our beautiful clients…

How to make a boring wall look pretty

Headshot portfolio.

Common Questions

  • For larger corporations we suggest 30-45 minutes to setup and then 15 minutes per person.

  • We offer half days of headshots with the option to add on extra hours to cover branding and website images. For my fellow sole traders and self employed, I use the opportunity to tell a story with your images to draw in customers and give you epic content to use for years to come.

  • For larger companies we narrow all headshots down to around 2-3 per person.

    For smaller companies, we aim for around 3-5 per person.

  • Yes of course! We give all clients the option to choose their own final images, or for those that dread it, we will edit only the best ones we know will represent your business in the best light.

  • Natural photoshopping and touch ups are done on all headshots.

    If there is a part of your body you don’t like (and let’s face it, we all have insecurities) please let us know at your shoot and we will work with each individual to pose and light them in flattering ways and most importantly make them feel comfortable and confident so there’s no need to photoshop out the strained smile of reluctant compliance. You will look like you, but on a really good day!

    As content creators (eugh we hate that word) we take our moral responsibility seriously.

    If you ask us to photoshop you to look like Kim Kardashian, but in reality you look like Kim Jong-Un, your clients and colleagues will be very confused at the next work party.

Dark upper body shot of bearded man sat with arms folded. His head is tilted to his right side and he gazes into the distance towards the dim light illuminating his face. He wears a dark long sleeve top and tweed flat cap. A blackness behind him.


From £495

I used to dread getting my photos taken, but she made it an absolute breeze.

A great sense of humour and amazing photos to match.

-Joe Sassoon, Cil